Monday, February 6, 2012

Happy Birthday, Heart Friend!!

So, one of the 2 people that actually read this blog has been complaining about my lack of recent posts. I really would like to jump back on the wagon, but I'm so behind that I don't even know where to start. Baby steps, I know.

Anyway, this particular person claims that she checks this thing everyday only to be disappointed by another viewing of "Light Has Come." It also just so happens to be this person's birthday, so...


It's really sad (for me) to be so far away on this special day. I've tried to communicate with her in every way possible today. Hopefully that will help ease the pain that my absence brings...:)

If you know me, you know how special my Jenny is to me. A heart friend relationship is unique. I have never had a friend like Jenny and I think it's pretty safe to say that I never will. So, so thankful for your life, Boo Boo!!

I wouldn't even know where to begin with pictures for this post. And let's be ain't no interesting blog without pictures. Here are some that I thought depicted our friendship most accurately...

well, this one isn't really about our friendship. I just thought it was a cute birthday picture of our girl.

Just a dance party at sonic after we got in trouble at wal mart. You know, because we were real cool like that. 

We took the "dress up to reveal yourself to your little sis" seriously. WAY more seriously than ANYBODY else. Typical.

Stuck in playground equipment on Spring Break. Let me tell you, we were wild AND crazy.

Just one of the many ways a heart friend comes in handy. Who else will wipe off deodorant stains with her panty hose?

Just real typical. Don't know how. It just is.

This was during our glory days of high school show choir. Definitely weren't heart friends at this point, but I like to think that this was a pretty good foundation for our friendship. 

Ultimate heart friend moments...