Friday, January 7, 2011


Well, as I have said before, I'm a little behind on blogging due to my internet/photo situation. I've had a very special birthday to recognize for over a month, but I've been putting it off, thinking I would get some proper visuals over the break. Believe it or not, I am a slacker and did not get all my pictures off of my old computer. Instead of waiting until the birthday girl is 25 1/2, I decided to just go ahead and bite the bullet. Maybe next year's will be better...

On Novemeber 24th, my Perrino <aka> Perryn turned 25!!!!!

I had to steal these pictures off of her blog. I hope y'all don't think that's sketchy. I just needed everybody to see how precious and dear she is.

Perryn was in the pledge class above me, so I was initially a little scared of her. But as we got to know each other, she became one of my most very favorite things about chi-o!

I wish I could remember all the details of how our friendship really came to be, but basically, Jenny and I just decided that we should be friends with Perryn and her really good friend, Ro Lynn <aka> Rose Lynn. We call ourselves "four friends" and even though the four of us haven't been together in waaaaay too long, the connection is still there! We had "four friend" dinners, "four friend" birthday parties, and I'm still waiting on the "four friends" trip to NYC.

Perryn is not really into hugging, which can kind of be a problem if you're friends with me and Jenny. She has come LEAPS and BOUNDS since our friendship proud! Come to think of it, I would really like to have a Perryn hug right about now.

The peak of "four friends" was definitely when we lived in the chi-o dorm! Jenny and I went to Perryn for everything!! I honestly don't know what we would have done without her sweet advice! She took such good care of us! I distinctly remeber several occassions where Jenny and I cried (sometimes literally), "I need Perryn!!"

Perrino is also quite the prankster. You wouldn't think that just looking at her, but let me tell you...she has got some pretty legit stuff up her sleeve. Before we even became "four friends", Perrino and Ro Lynn messed up my bed in  so I thought somebody had broken in and slept there! She also put a feminine product with ketchup smeared all over it on our door...we refused to take it down until she confessed. I have a special love for penguins and have quite the childish collection of figurines, stuffed animals, and pajamas...well, one day, Perryn took it upon herself to steal ALL of my penguin memoribila. rude. ttthhhheeeenn ( I can't believe I almost forgot about this one) Perryn got a hold of one of my haneous middle school pictures. We're talking braces, bushy eyebrows, jacked-up make up application, frizzy hair, with a diploma in the hand. After stealing the picture from a mutual family friend's refrigerator (FIRST offense!!!), she put it as her profile picture on facebook. The fact that I still love her after that is a sign of true friendship.
I wish I could say that I've gotten her back for all these pranks, but the truth of the matter is, she's impossible to beat. Jenny and I did try to get her back since she's lived in NYC, but I still don't think we're up to par.

Speaking of NYC, one of my most favorite Perrino memories is when Jenny and I saved up our coins (literally) to go visit her while she was doing an internship one summer. Our NYC trip in general is probably one of my most favorite life memories. We spent an embarassing amount of time at Ellen's Diner, swooning over our waiter who was definitely not interested in us or anybody like us for that matter. We saw RENT from the first and second rows and came back to our hotel room and enjoyed some post-show entertainment involving Perryn and one swift leap onto the bed.

Here's a picture from the LAST time I saw Perryn! My mom and I were in NYC last January, so I got to hang out with her some! Apparently, we thought the subway would be an appropriate place for a picture :) And yes, I do realize I look like I'm with child. It was cold and I was bundled up...don't judge.

Wow. I really just planned on saying, "Happy Birthday, Perryn! I love you", but I guess I got a little carried away!


Happy (very, very, very, embarassingly belated) Birthday, Perrino!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness, this is the sweetest post i have ever read. my heart is beaming!! thanks rach :) (and thanks for totally blowing my cover on all pranks going forward, haha...)
