Thursday, August 2, 2012

Our family's stance on the Chik-Fil-A debacle

After a glorious week at home and at the beach, I returned to Arkansas with a lot on my plate. A wrecked car, a crippled husband, a vomiting baby that included vomit running down my leg and in between my toes (too much for ya? sorry), and a near arrest are just a few things that I encountered upon my return to the natural state. 

After all the craziness died down a little, Tyson and I finally got to talk about our lives and what's been going on. Naturally, we ended up on the chick-fil-a issue and I wanted to share where we stand on the situation. Here is how our conversation went...

Rachel: "what do you think about all this chick-fil-a mess?"
Tyson: "I don't really know. I've been drugged up and in bed for the past few days. What's going on?"
Rachel: "Truett Cathy said he didn't support gay marriage and now people are protesting and boycotting"
Tyson: "Well, good. That means shorter lines and more chicken for me!"

So, there you go. The issue here is clearly the chicken and all we know is that it doesn't get much better than a #1 with a sweet tea. 

You thought I was about to get serious and religious with you, didn't you? haha!! 

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