Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I've decided that I'm going to start referring to my bridesmaids as "BMs." I'm not really one of those people who uses abbreviations a lot, I just think this one is too good to pass up.

I guess I'm going to kind of chart my wedding planning process on this thing. I feel like I'm so behind, so when I take care of big things, I'm pretty proud.

After much internet searching, swatch ordering, and opinion asking, I've decided on BM dresses.We're ordering them from http://www.ariadress.com/. This is the same place Jenny got her BM dresses from. If you know us, you know that this is very typical.

Here is the STYLE of the BMs dresses...

It's really simple, but I like the classic look and I think that it will look wonderful on all of my beautimous BMs. I think I'm going to get the little tiny straps removed and we're going to have just one solid color, none of this two-tone stuff going on.

Here is the COLOR of the BMs dresses...

Don't you love the pose this chick has going on? bahaha! For some reason, I've been extremely picky about the color of the BMs dresses. I had a certain color in my mind and I wasn't happy until I found exactly what I had pictured. This particular company calls it "periwinkle" but other companies have a pretty similar color called "cornflower."

Here are a few "real" pictures of the color of the dress...love it!

I would say, "please let me know what you think about my selection," but I've already made my choice, so all I really want to hear is "oohh I LOVE them" or "they're perfect" or "wow! that's the best BMs dress I've ever seen."

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