Thursday, November 4, 2010

these are my confessions (in the style of usher)

Not me.

When I turned 18, I was taking a Government class at Auburn High School (what up, Mr. York!). This was the time of the Bush-Kerry presidential race and I was waaaaay into it. I learned so much in that class and it turned me into a much more involved and aware citizen. I could tell you how many electoral votes each state got, which states were red and which ones were blue, how many cabinet positions were up for re-election, who the majority and minority leaders of the house were, and even a good bit about the issues at stake.

From this point on, I took my civic responsibilities pretty seriously. I always voted and did my best to become educated on the candidates and issues I was voting on.

For the past year or two, however, I have become beyond frustrated with the state of our government. No, it's not because Obama is black or because I'm embarassed for Sarah Palin every time she puts herself in public. I'm fed up because so many of the leaders of this country are too caught up in this 'Democrats vs. Republican' competition, that it's overshadowing the needs of the people. I realize that this might sound naive and I do know that there is a reason we established the party system, but I'm over it. All it's doing is tearing our country apart when we need unity-now, more than ever.

So, when this election started, I decided that I would vote for whoever had the most positive campaign. Again, I realize this might sound naive, but to me, it says a lot about the person. It would be pretty much impossible for me to agree with everything a politician does, but if I know that he or she has the right motives and that they are in their position because they honestly want what's best for the people, then sign me up! To me, the character of the person is much more significant than who he or she voted for, what he or she voted for, and whether they're a democrat or a republican. Now don't get me wrong, there are definitley a few issues that are deal breakers for me. But in general, if I believe the person is of good character (which I am pretty good at judging, if I do say so myself) and will do what they honestly think is best for the people they are representing, even if I disagree with him or her on several issues, they are much more likely to get my vote than somebody that I feel is shady.

With all of that said, there was not one candidate in this election who I believe ran a clean campaign in this election. It made me sick to turn on the t.v. and hear commericals talking about how somebody voted for their own pay raise or how somebody else lied on their resume. Really?!? If you spend so much time and money talking about how awful other people are, then that tells me that you don't have enough positive things to say about yourself. Because I was so frustrated with the democrat vs. republican and mess and the negative campaigns, I did not vote. It was a conscious decision and I would be lying if I told you I didn't feel pretty guilty about it.

Now, I will be the first to say that I am extremely proud to be an American. The 4th of July is my favorite holiday and I have been known to start up my own patriotic medley if there is no music present at a certain 4th of July celebration. I'm taking the "Bobcat Singers" to sing some patriotic songs at the nursing home next Tuesday because I think it's important for them to realize the meaning of Veteran's Day. I DO love my country and I DO appreciate the sacrifices that have been made for me to live the life I live today.

I am not proud of the direction in which our country is going right now. A lot of things need to change and these politicians and so-called leaders need to quit concerning themselves with who is a democrat and who is a republican and spend their time and effort working together to get some things straightened out.

So there you go. This is my apology for not voting on Tuesday. I am sorry for not fulfilling my civic duty and for letting my fellow americans down. I hope this never happens again.

P.S. sorry for the most boring blog post in the history of blog posting. It was just on my heart and in my brain. Isn't that what these things are for?

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