Monday, March 5, 2012

Miscellaneous Shower

I am truly blessed when it comes to the people in my life. From school friends, to teachers, to friends' parents, and family friends, I am convinced that I have the greatest group of support out there. I felt so unworthy of the many showers, gifts, and help that was given to me, but it all made me feel so loved and made this time that much more special. What a perfect way for me and Tyson to start our lives together...with way more love and encouragement than we could ever imagine. I know there is no way we could repay all the people that helped out and contributed to our wedding and the festivities that went along with it, but I hope they can understand some of what it meant to us.

In May, some of my mom's friends (who are my friends too, of course) and one of my best friends, Ashley,  gave me a great miscellaneous shower! My sister was able to come down from Arkansas for this one, which made it that much more fun and special! The food at the shower was delicious and the decorations and flowers were gorgeous and so well-done!

I got to see and visit with a number of people that I don't normally get to be around! And of course, got to open some very generous and ballin presents!

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