Tuesday, September 7, 2010

have triangle...will teach

So...last Thursday, I was having a real tired day. Not a BAD day, I don't think I've had one of those yet. Folks was just on my nerves, my pants were too tight, I had to use my outside voice inside, my fiber wasn't kicking in like I like it to, and I was just feeling some exhaustion coming on and maybe a little bit of sickness too. When I walked up to my apt door, I saw this...

I thought, "Well, hell. Am I in trouble for something at this place already? I swear I don't leave no trash on my car and I know cain't nobody have a noise complaint on me... except for maybe those times when I just have to bust out in a song, but that's always before 10 PM. Give a homegirl a break, what do you want me to do in this place all by myself?" But before I got too hot and bothered, I stepped closer and saw this...

Ooo yes!! God said, "Here you go, I know you don had a hard day. Let me just let you know that I'm still here." I got a package!! And not just ANY package, but some instruments for my chirrens!! Eliz got real creative with my birthday this year and got me a gift certificate to http://www.4lyons.com/. I know...you're thinking "umm why are you so excited about some instruments? Shouldn't you already have some of those in your classroom?" Oh yeah...nope. So, I was really excited for my babies to finally have some instruments!! What good is a music class with no tambourine to shake or triangle to ring? It was about 5:56 and the office closes at 6, so I fastened my pants real quick, (remember? They were too tight. I shouldnt've gotten them just because they were on sale. I've learned my lesson. Thank you) ran down to the office and got my package! I was just a ringin and a dingin all the way to my apt and could NOT wait to see my instruments! Here's a little idea of what  I saw... you know, I like for my readers to be able to really feel like they're there with me :)

Here we go...you've got your rhythm sticks, your sand blocks, your tambourine, your triangle, your jingle bells, your castanets. I mean, seriously. What more could you ask for? Well, you just wait.

I also got these ballin' (T says that word is inappropriate, but I disagree. Let me know if I shouldn't be saying it, and I'll stop. It's personally one of my words of choice, but whatever) TAMBOURINES! Now, you just tell me what little 3rd or 4th grader would not be all over one of those things. It even came with this sweet little instruction book...

Naturally, I had to break these bad boys in ASAP. We used them today while we were playing a little game to reinforce what we've learned about dynamics. I'll just let y'all see for yourselves how crunk these kids were...

Now, you'll have to excuse the quality of this picture, (remember, I am not a photographer and this is not a photography blog. If that's what you're looking for, then you need to just g'on ahead and press that little X on your top right hand corner) but please look at this child's face! He said he was gonna get to work on that triangle.

So, THANK YOU my dear sweet sistuh, Eliz!! I'm so proud to finally have some instruments! And I know the little bobcats at Prattville Elementary School thank you too!


  1. i would like to name that movie please....can i get a parent trap, ORIGINAL version, straight from the mouth of dear verbena, the nanny. "but i don't say a word, not a single word...but if your father wants to make a fool of himself with that woman it's none of my nevermind, i don't say a word, not a word. umm, those kids were pretty freakin excited about those rhythm inskrumecks. i'm enjoying that lil boy getting down with his triangle...i feel that my gift has made a difference. and i would also like to commeck on the hilarity of this blog. you are hilarious!! go head

  2. Does the kid who is smiling maniacally have those sandpaper blocks in his hands? That one is my favorite! Bless.
