Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy Birthday, Jenny!

Along with showers, parties, and other wedding preperations, we must NOT forget that it was Jenny's birthday a few Sundays ago! Sunday, February 6th to be exact.

I'm so grateful that I got to celebrate with her because who knows when we'll be together for our birthdays again. On Sunday, I headed to Montgomery to join in a family celebration complete with cake and ice cream! And on Monday, I met Jenny and some friends at Outback in Auburn to finish off the birthday celebration!

Of course, I've been struggling with what to do for Jenny's birthday blog. I've wanted it to be especially good, but what little creative juices I might possess are running dry. So, here's the deal. I'm doing a Heart Friends Top 10 list. Now, I know that Heart Friends and Jenny's birthday aren't really the same thing, but without Jenny's birth, there would be no heart friends. So there.

Here we go....

Heart Friends Top 10
in no particular order

  1. holding hands and crying through RENT and Les Mis in NYC
  2. eating half a birthday cake for Saturday morning breakfast in the dorm
  3. Georgia game '06
  4. full out concert at 662 after a night at Outback with Uncle J
  5. laying in Jenny's bed in the dorm, quoting 'Steel Magnolias'
  6. sitting alone at The Swamp and introducing ourselves with fake names ("...jenny...")
  7. "cuckoo"ing out the dorm room window
  8. singing our own patriotic medley on 4th of July in NYC
  9. laying on our nasty dorm room floor, crying and singing to "That's What Friends Are For" because we didn't get burned at stupid "Burn the Sisters"
  10. naps before chapter

  11.prolonged hugs at All American Embroidery
  12. going to the Olive Garden grand opening in Tiger Town...fatties
  13. listening to "Real Men of Genius" commericals on Jenny's ipod to avoid any social interaction at the beach
 14. practicing right before my senior recital and looking at Jenny like I was about to bail... and her looking back at me like "you got this
15. making wedding plans on a napkin in mitzi YEARS before we got engaged
16. getting stuck in the playground equipment at Destin Commons
17. dressing up as Adam and Eve for Halloween
18. Velcro Pygmies...'I Want You to Want Me'
19. Celtic Woman Concert
20. picking out wedding dresses together

Happy (late...go figure) Birthday, Boo Boo!!

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