Monday, February 14, 2011

My Best Friend's Wedding: The Club's getting hard for me to deny reality. Don't worry, I'm still making it work, but it's getting harder and harder. This past Saturday was exactly a MONTH from my Boo Boo's wedding!!! This past Saturday was also her very last wedding shower. This was it. The next shower I give her will be when she has a child growing inside of her and I really can't go there right now. I'm struggling enough as it is. I'm sorry....I digress.

We had an Around the House shower for Jenny on Saturday at The (you really have to emphasize the "the"'s not a joke....they don't play) Club in Birmingham. The weather was gorgeous, the food was yum, the company was delightful, and the whole afternoon was just pretty much loverly (thank you, Eliza).

Door Mat!! That's a "B". For "Barranco". Because that's going to be her name. Because she's getting married.

Bath Mat....get crunk! It's amazing the things that excite you once you're getting married.

Opening her kitchen aid mixer!! I might have been just excited as she was!!

Auburn High School picture...'05!! Represent.

The view

The Suite. I promise I'm not high. I was having a little trouble keeping my eyes open in the sun. They're sensitive.

Heart Friends Fo Life. I really enjoy this picture of us.


Hot mama...checking out the view!

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