Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My Best Friend's Wedding: The Invitations

Over MLK weekend, Jenny and I got together for some quality heart friends time. We set aside some time for us to hang out and enjoy each other's company before we go off and get married and things aren't the same anymore. Annnddd I'm gonna need to stop before I get emotional, so let me get to the point.

One thing we did was mail Jenny's WEDDING INVITATIONS!!! Whaaa?!? So surreal. After we went to the post office, we had to run another errand and it wasn't until we were in the kroger parking lot that it really hit us. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

That was just to make you feel like you were there with us because that is literally what we did. In the car. In the Kroger parking lot. By ourselves. For a good solid minute.

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